Among the woods and vines in our area of sloping Chianti hills are hidden price less treasures; the earth’s bounty changes with every season. In fact, in summer you can follow Luigi in search of the famous black truffle, while in the fall he’ll forage for the legendary white truffle. Then, no matter what the season and what the hunt, at the end of your pursuits , the brothers Simone and Luca will welcome you all back home with a truffle based tuscan lunch.

Truffle hunting* + lunch at the hunting cottage – 3:30 hours
10:00AM – 1:30PM Available Mon- Tue – Wed and Fri
Choose to indulge with a sumptuous 4 courses meal with fresh truffle
Lunch sample – lunch is a four courses meal served in sequence: mix of antipasti with truffle, fresh pasta, main course and dessert.
Include soft drinks and our family wines.
We don’t provide transportation.
2 to 10 participants 150 euro per person
4-10 years old > 100 Euro pp
Under 4 years old, free of charge

Truffle hunting* + cooking class at the hunting cottage – 5 hours
9:00AM – 2:00PM Available on Saturday
After the hunting come to prepare your truffle meal, 4 recipes meal with truffles.
Include aprons and lunch with wines.
We don’t provide transportation
2 to 8 participants 250 euro per person
4-10 years old > 100 Euro pp
Under 4 years old, free of charge
* In case of rain we will try to reschedule, if not possible you will enjoy only truffle lunch + truffle products gift and meet our dogs at the hunting cottage.

White Precious Truffles
Tuber magnaticum Pico – Available from 15 September to 15 December.
White Truffles have a powerful, complex, faintly garlicky aroma and an intense flavour.

Black Autumn Truffles
Tuber Uncinatum – Available from September to December.
Black Autumn Truffles have a wonderful earthy flavour and aroma, with hazelnuts, chocolate, and vanilla.

Black Winter Truffles
Tuber Melanosporum Cittadini – Available from November to March.
These truffles are Grade A quality. Carefully washed and ready for use. Min size each piece 15+ Grams. Individually selected.

Whitish Bianchetto Truffles
Tuber Borchii – Available from January to March.
These whitish truffles should not be confused with the true white truffle, the Tuber Magnatum. They have a powerful garlic aroma and flavour and make a very reasonably priced and interesting Truffle experience.

Black Summer Truffles
Tuber Aestivum – Available from June to November.
Black Summer Truffles have a strong flavour and aroma when fully mature, with hints of earthiness, hazelnuts, chocolate, and vanilla.